PlanThe project has a total duration of 48 months (4 years), from September 1st 2020 to August 31st 2024.
The project is divided into 12 actions, in turn divided into 5 main action groups:
A. Preparatory actions.
B. Implementation actions.
C. Monitoring the impact of project actions.
D. Public awareness and dissemination of results.
E. Project management.
48 months duration
12 actions
5 action groups
DeadlineSep20 â Feb21
Consultation with stakeholders and update of information on bio-waste collection and treatment of waste water mixed streams in anaerobic WWTPs for populations < 50.000 p. e.
Action leader: UVEG (all partners involved).
Sep20 â Feb21
Development of the engineering project for the demo WWTP and the SWMCS technical specifications.
Action leader: AQUALIA (all partners involved).
Mar21 â Mar22
Development of biowaste collection and waste water mixing strategies.
Mar21 â Mar22
Set up and start up of the WWTP demo modules.
Action leader: AQUALIA (all partners involved).
Mar21 â Sep22
Development of the smart water monitoring and control system.
Action leader: AQUALIA (all partners involved).
Apr22 âMar24
Demo WTTP for the treatment of combined mixed waste streams.
Action leader: AQUALIA (all partners involved).
Feb21 â Sep24
Development of business, exploitation and replication Plan.
Action leader: AQUALIA (all partners involved).
Mar21 â Sep24
Environmental impact monitoring.
Action leader: AQUALIA (all partners involved).
Mar21 â Sep24
Socio-economic impact monitoring.
Action leader: SIMBIENTE (all partners involved).
Sep20 â Sep24
Public awareness and dissemination of results.
Action leader: CANAL (all partners involved).
âSep20 â Sep24
Project management.
Action leader: AQUALIA (all partners involved).
Apr24 â Sep24
After-Life Plan.
Action leader: AQUALIA (all partners involved).