Category: Monitoring Meetings


🗓Yesterday, 𝟭ðŸē 𝗠ð—Ūð—ŋ𝗰ð—ĩ ðŸŪ𝟎ðŸŪðŸŊ🗓 the 💧â™ŧ𝗟𝗜𝗙𝗘 𝗭𝗘ð—Ĩð—Ē 𝗊𝗔ð—Ķ𝗧𝗘 𝗊𝗔𝗧𝗘ð—Ĩâ™ŧ💧 consortium met again at 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—Đð—Ūð—đð—ąð—ēð—Ŋð—ēð—Ŋð—Ū𝘀 𝗊𝗊𝗧ð—Ģ (𝗠ð—Ūð—ąð—ŋð—ķð—ą) for the 𝗠𝟭-𝗠ðŸŊ𝟎 𝘁ð—ē𝗰ð—ĩð—ŧð—ķ𝗰ð—Ūð—đ 𝗚ð—ēð—ē𝘁ð—ķð—ŧð—ī.

🔍𝗔 ð—ģ𝗞ð—đð—đ𝗞𝘄-ð˜‚ð—― 𝗞ð—ģ 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—ąð—ē𝘃ð—ēð—đð—žð—―ð—šð—ēð—ŧ𝘁 𝗞ð—ģ 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē 𝘁ð—ē𝗰ð—ĩð—ŧð—ķ𝗰ð—Ūð—đ ð—Ūð—ŧð—ą ð—ē𝗰𝗞ð—ŧ𝗞𝗚ð—ķ𝗰 ð—―ð—Ūð—ŋ𝘁 𝗞ð—ģ 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—―ð—ŋ𝗞𝗷ð—ē𝗰𝘁 𝘄ð—Ū𝘀 𝗰ð—Ūð—ŋð—ŋð—ķð—ēð—ą 𝗞𝘂𝘁🔍 and later 🛠𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—ąð—ē𝗚𝗞 𝘀ð—ķ𝘁ð—ē🛠 was visited.

We continue to work together to meet the milestones set in the project!📈📊

2nd NEEMO Meeting

🗓𝗟ð—Ū𝘀𝘁 𝗊ð—ēð—ąð—ŧð—ēð˜€ð—ąð—Ū𝘆, 𝟰𝘁ð—ĩ 𝗠ð—Ū𝘆🗓 a large part of the 💧â™ŧLIFE ZERO WASTE WATERâ™ŧ💧 consortium (Aqualia, Canal de Isabel II, Universitat de ValÃĻncia, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, , Simbiente – Environmental Engineering and Management and INCOTEC – InnovaciÃģn Eficiente) met at 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—Đð—Ūð—đð—ąð—ēð—Ŋð—ēð—Ŋð—Ū𝘀 𝗊𝗊𝗧ð—Ģ (𝗠ð—Ūð—ąð—ŋð—ķð—ą) at the regular ðŸ“‹ð—Ąð—˜ð—˜ð— ð—Ē 𝗚ð—ēð—ē𝘁ð—ķð—ŧð—ī📋 led by Itxaso Mora.

A follow-up of the ð—ąð—ē𝘃ð—ēð—đð—žð—―ð—šð—ēð—ŧ𝘁 𝗞ð—ģ 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē 𝘁ð—ē𝗰ð—ĩð—ŧð—ķ𝗰ð—Ūð—đ ð—Ūð—ŧð—ą ð—ē𝗰𝗞ð—ŧ𝗞𝗚ð—ķ𝗰 ð—―ð—Ūð—ŋ𝘁 𝗞ð—ģ 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—―ð—ŋ𝗞𝗷ð—ē𝗰𝘁 was carried out and later 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē ð—ąð—ē𝗚𝗞 𝘀ð—ķ𝘁ð—ē located in the WWTP was visited. Only a few 🔌electrical details🔌 are missing, but…𝘃ð—ēð—ŋ𝘆 𝘀𝗞𝗞ð—ŧ 𝘄ð—ē 𝘄ð—ķð—đð—đ ð—Ŋð—ē ð—Ūð—Ŋð—đð—ē 𝘁𝗞 𝘀ð—ēð—ē ð—ķ𝘁 ð—ķð—ŧ ð—žð—―ð—ēð—ŋð—Ū𝘁ð—ķ𝗞ð—ŧ!🙌🙌🙌

We are very happy to finally be able to meet face-to-face and share experiences and knowledge👏👏👏

Many thanks to Itxaso Mora for her good disposition at all times and to all the members of the fantastic team that has been formed as a result of this LIFE project: Jose Ramon Vazquez Padin, Ana Vicente Borreguero, Antonio Mateos MuÃąoz, Aurora Seco, Josep Ribes, Miguel RoldÃĄn Albaladejo, Covadonga P-L G, David Garcia Arrate, SÃĐrgio Almeida, MŠ Ángeles Val del Río, Anuska Mosquera Corral, Sergio Martínez Parada, Wolfgang Vogl, Lydia SÃĄez García, #JesÚsSÃĄnchezRubal and JosÃĐ Antonio Moraleda Mesa.

2nd Monitoring Meeting

2nd Monitoring Project Meeting


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